Sunday, November 25, 2007

Speaking of UNDERSTANDING, and other stories

This last week at my family's house has reminded me so much of my life in high school, and believe it or not, I actually kind of miss it.

On Wednesday, I got all dressed up in my old goth(ish) clothes, particularly my "old faithful" boots and the torn-up skirt that I wore like, every week. It felt very much like high school, and getting ready for the Evanescence concert reminded me of those parts in between the drama, stress, depression, cutting, and suicide threats that didn't suck. The parts where people I didn't even know called me "Evanescence girl" in between classes, or when I sat in my car in the driveway singing my heart out to the music I loved. Correction: Love.

Being at the concert was, in so many ways, going back in time to the height of my love of the band, and fulfilling the dreams of the high school me that never got to see them live. It was a little weird being at the concert with the temporary musicians - when I saw Ev in Vancouver, it was when John and Rocky were still in the band - and it definitely felt a little more like "The Amy Lee Show" than enjoying the whole band... but then, I suppose, they are called Evanescence after all... that just so happens to mean ephemeral, temporary, like vapor. Everything does change. My life. Her life. The band. And that's okay.

The most powerful moment all night was when she sat down at the piano and played Lithium and Good Enough back to back. If Amy and I had sat down in a room together, figured out one emotion we had in common (as if there were only one!) and decided to write about them, those two songs would have been the result. Basically, those songs express the absolute truth of so many of my feelings... her lyrics could not have captured them more perfectly. So needless to say, I felt incredibly connected to her knowing that the words we were both singing were entirely from the heart, and I felt like our voices were crossing in mid-air and blending... I could see her face so clearly from where I was standing - maybe 20, 25 feet from the stage - and that emotional connection was amazing. I don't suppose I'll ever know if she knew what I was feeling, but I guess that one way connection was enough for me. I felt it. Towards the end of the song, I could tell she was breaking up at some of the phrases, being such an emotional and personal song. To see this person that I've looked up to and cared about so much all these years, almost crying at the song that connected our hearts was about the most incredible and emotional thing I could have ever prayed for.

And course, just her saying "Good evening, Seattle," was the fulfillment of something I've waited years to hear. She even said, "Wow, there's so many of you here! Thanks!" She sounded rather touched... it was sweet.

At the end of the show, when the crowd had finally called the band back for an encore, she sat down at the piano again, and I thought, hm, they must be doing Your Star... that's what they played at the Vancouver encore. But then I heard an organ... an organ? There was no organ on The Open Door... not even on Fallen, really. Not much, anyway.

I thought for a second - really? Are they really--are they seriously--is this actually--? It was. All at one second, Nikki and I looked at each other, and SCREAMED!!! OH MY GOD THEY'RE PLAYING UNDERSTANDING!!!! For those of you that don't know, Understanding was the first Ev song ever to be played on the radio, back in (if I'm not mistaken) 1998. It's off their first EP album, so needless to say, rare and not exactly recent. At the end of the song, Amy said, "Wow, I'm surprised any of you knew that song!" And I was thinking, "HELL YEAH, that's me!!" Way way cool. And then they did Your Star, which is awesome live. The whole show was incredible.

November 21st was the Someday of my high school life, my high school dream. And who knew how far the both of us would have come! In 2004, I don't think either of us could have forseen feeling Good Enough. And yet, there we've both arrived.

So then, on (Black) Friday, I was hanging out with Nikki and Sam, just like old times, talking and laughing and, and just generally goofing around, in my family's house, in my old room. It still feels like home, even though I've called the dorm, and now my apartment, "home" since last fall. I miss living with my family, living in that room, even if it is nice to have the freedom to run my own life and my own schedule. Having my old room and my high school friends back kind of made me want my old life back. It's so boring at college. To be honest, the "new life," the "real life," whatever you wanna call it, kinda sucks. Competitive majors. Jobs. Realizing how much debt I'm going to have to pay off when I graduate, thank you $50,000 education. Wondering what the fuck I'm going to do with said competitive major in order to pay off said $50,000 education. Not to mention, I never seem to have the inspiration to do anything interesting with the little free time I do have, at least in that creativity-killing, pathetic excuse for a city.

Even things that aren't inherently bad are still huge changes that are going to take a lot of getting used to. I mean, one of my best high school friends is now married and has a baby. A baby! She has an awesome husband, and I'm totally happy for her (and comfortable around him) and her baby is a little angel and I love him with all my heart... but my high school friend wasn't a married mother. She was an angsty kid, just like me. And it's not that I want the angst back. I'm very glad to not have to be the suicide hotline anymore. That's great. But even so, our lives and our friendship have changed. We're on opposite sides of the motherhood line now, and while we're still very close, it's different. And while it's a good different, I still miss the old, uncommitted, single-person friendship we had. And I know we'll never have that again.

On top of it all, uhm, my sister has changed. A LOT. It's not really my business, so I'm not really at liberty to spill all the beans here, but let's say my mom and I are scared, hurt, and totally unsure of what to do. It's scary and depressing.

I'm also depressed that I have to go and endure 2.5 more weeks of the most boring town on the west coast, starting in a couple of hours. And then, at least six more months after Christmas break is over. Ugh. The move to Seattle, providing it all goes as smoothly as I hope, cannot come soon enough. Heh... that reminds me, I still have to figure out how to get around my lease. Gulp.

Alright, so life doesn't totally suck. I think my wounds about the holidays from years past are starting to heal, and I think I might actually enjoy this Christmas season, and, well... it could be worse. I could have literally lost friends, and I haven't. I guess I'm okay. It's just hard, and life's just different. A lot of times, I need change, but especially if I don't instigate it, I always have a hard time dealing with it.

Personality Test

Apparently I am...

...self revealing, neat, craves attention, prefers organized to unpredictable, needs things to be extremely clean, worrying, perfectionist, emotionally sensitive, respects authority, social, vain, does not like to be alone, likes large parties, controlling, social chameleon, not a thrill seeker, enjoys leadership, takes precautions, puts the needs of others ahead of their own, assertive, rule conscious, makes friends easily, always busy, heart over mind, phobic, aggressive, clingy, compassionate, dominant, outgoing, suspicious, hard working, and strong

Thought this was pretty interesting. And fairly accurate.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Same shit, different day. I have to understand, I have to experience, to watch passively and intellectually understand is not good enough for me. Fucking being a scorpio. I have to be an active part, to suffer simultaneously, or else I am not good enough.

You all know what I mean. I have to understand, I want to, you know what I want to do. If you don't I don't care. What matters is that it's true and that's that and I don't give a shit that I'm not making any sense. I'm making sense to me, and that's all that matters. I have to talk about it in some capacity because I feel like I'm losing it, and if I do that entirely, then... I'll probably end up cutting. I really, really want to. I won't, but the desire is very strong. Fuck.

One of these days I'll let it go and appreciate my strengths. But today and every day prior, my strengths ARE my weaknesses.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Short stories about big news

I got a new car because my Sentra's transmission is busted... the new car is a 1997 Mazda Protege, 5-speed, 4-doors, with power locks and windows, A/C, CD player...

I move into my apartment on Sunday, and I have a church lock-in tomorrow, so tonight is the last night that I sleep in my mom's house as "living here."

I got registered for classes... lots of language. Two English classes and one Latin class.

Today was my last day of work at the autobody shop... good experience, but it was mighty stressful, so I'm kinda glad it's over.

AND OH MY GOD MY BOY'S IN THE ER!!! Thanks to dipshit, (a not-so-bright coworker who left the lid off) he got a bottle of concentrated glass cleaner spilled on his head. When we went to Starbucks he said he had a really bad headache and he wasn't feeling so good, so he said he was going to try to find a number for the poison control center... and when he never called me back to let me know if he was okay, I called him, and he was like, "yeah, I'm in the ER, bye." YIKES!!! Get well soon and um, DON'T DIE! Or lose brain cells or anything like that. Yeep.

OH! And Evanescence is FINALLY, four years later, coming back to Seattle!!! I have to get tickets! I can't find them yet, OMG OMG I hope they just haven't gone on sale yet... freakout freakout.

K that's enough for now... I'm gonna keep freaking out for a while here... and GET WELL VERY SOON ROBERT!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Stuff Stuff Stuff

So it's been a completely crazy week with not a lot of extra time, but there's a bunch of random stuff I've been meaning to write about, so here goes!

First of all, it's not something I want to make a huge deal out of, because I don't want to contribute to the problem, but all I want to say is my heart really goes out to Owen Wilson. Everybody has their shitty times, no matter how glamorous their lives may seem... Like I said, I know he really just wants some space, so I'm going to leave it at that. Just wanted to say, hang in there buddy!

Student Drivers: Oh my. My patience wears thin, especially living here in BORINGHAM where everybody drives five under for a year. I was in the car with my sister (she's almost sixteen) and oh MAN. I know her confidence is barely there, but there were many times I wanted to scream GO ALREADY ALRIGHT!!! Did I wait that long for gaps that huge when I was that young!?!? I dunno. Too timid. Way too timid. I'm not a super aggressive driver, but I at least know how to get where I want, when I want. Driving with people that are learning takes entirely too long, and I haven't got nearly the patience for it. In fact, I have very little patience for anything now that I think of it...

ROLLERCOASTERS! I was scared shitless of them until this Saturday, at about eight o'clock. When we arrived in Silverwood, I felt like throwing up just LOOKING at the crazy rollercoasters, but I sucked it up and went them anyways and OHMYGOD IT WAS THE MOST FUN EVER!!! All those years I've been missing out! I officially love rollercoasters. What a thrill! I love skiing downhill fast, not sure why I ever put two and two together there, hmm... hahaha.

Ohhh, some funny stories this weekend from the fact that I have now made friends with Dramamine. It's so funny, it makes me really hungry! I took it for the flight to Phoenix, and like an hour into the flight I was like... damn. I need to CHOMP. So there I was, stuffing my face on an airplane, when usually I would end up wicked nauseous. In fact, I feel like that pretty much all the time, which is why it felt so where to be so hungry. So anyway, I took some before going on the rollercoasters (just to be safe!) and sure enough, I was standing in line thinking, gee I could use some food! So when we got back to camp, I was stuffing my face again, and then one of the guys we were camping with was like, "Silly Dramamine, food is for boys!" And then in the car on the way home (where Labor Day Weekend traffic SUCKED by the way!) Jake was DJ'ing my iPod and what song do you think he started playing? Dramamine, by Modest Mouse. I guess it kinda became this whole joke over the weekend. It was so funny, I recognized the intro to the song and just started cracking up, meanwhile Nikki and Jacob were like... Huh?

Awesome times. Oh. The other thing I learned this weekend: roadtripping with choir kids is THE way to go!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Commercialism and Eating Disorders

Two things I thought I'd never get caught up in, but here I am all the same. For the last few weeks or so, I've had this crazy urge to spend money on myself, I just want STUFF. I don't know why, I usually don't care too much, but lately I've just wanted to shop a lot. I actually bought some stuff off the clearance table at Abercrombie for the first time in my life a couple weeks ago, and today I bought, yikes, a $160.00 phone!! I got the pink razr, which is a HUGE upgrade from the piece of crap phone I had before... it didn't even have a camera. Hahaha.

This is the thing, before a couple weeks ago I wouldn't have even cared, I never even dreamed of a $160.00 phone. Ay yai yai. But today I spent all that money on it. Whew.

And then there's the food thing. I'm just not as fond of it anymore. I don't want to go into the whole thing at this precise moment in time, but the basic issue is that I never thought I'd ever be at risk for anorexia, but lately I have been really obsessed with body image, and doing all kinds of stuff like the body-fat pinching, constant waist size measuring (26.5"!) and weight (127!) I don't want to get too sucked in, but I also don't want to, you know, get fat... I'm kind of obsessed with perfect. And I have OCD, so I have a really hard time with letting stuff go. Ugh.

On the bright side, I'm finally dating!! I'm going out with this guy from work, he's pretty sweet. Totally into me. That does make me feel better... doesn't always make me feel like eating, but he makes me happy. We had a really great date at the beach the other day, we watched the sunset from a tree... at the end I was about to kiss him but I chickened out cause I'm shy like that... then he told me later he was thinking the same thing. So cute. It sucks that he lives so far away though. Oh well, we'll work it out. :)

Aaaand I'm braindead now, more tomorrow. Isn't it funny how one's brain just quits thinking in words sometimes?