Monday, March 17, 2008

Via Quarta

Or, "The Fourth Way." I think, I hope, I have found it. I think I mentioned the three "options" for dealing with negative stimuli previously... and since then I've also identified the stages of recovery, but that's a whole other story. Today I want to announce the Via Quarta, nomine appelatur "Spectandi Studium Scientiae." Scientific Curiosity!

This Via Quarta is really a more productive mutation of option one. I'll admit, it's still a defense, but I think it's more like Gore-Tex than a clunky-ass suit of armour. Instead of allowing myself to go into obsessive DEstructive defense, clogging my brain with repetitive thoughts that I don't want, moreoever, useless repetitive thoughts, I will attempt to drive the obsessive tendancy towards something more useful - why? For instance, Laura's insane ability to get motion sickness in five minutes... why the hell is that? Instead of letting myself fall into painful empathy, I will try to focus on the scientific interest of the matter. I mean, that really is remarkable. I've never met anyone else to whom that happens. So why? I want to know. And, even if I am not enough of a mad scientist to figure it out right now, the point is that the desire to learn, objectively, is there.

That is the key: OBJECTIVELY. I must become more objective. I am hella psyched.

EDIT: This was my horoscope for today: "The topic of the day is knowledge and learning, dear Scorpio. Did you study the field you dreamed of? Do you feel ashamed of not having attended such-and-such a school or program? If those sorts of issues are uppermost on your mind, remember that your creativity has little to do with the degrees you hold and everything to do with how you use your skills and knowledge to better the world."

How very appropriate, considering I just closed the door on an English class for the last time today. Biology major, here I come!

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