Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Seriously people.

I'm not anorexic. And that's a solid fact. Get used to it.

I consumed 1693 calories today, according to MyPyramid's calculations. Yeah, that's not quite marathon food, but it certainly isn't starvation. And there was plenty of fat in there, I promise.

And my exercise? I walked home from, back to, and back home from school, and then to and from the rec center, totalling about an hour, maybe a little less. And I had an hour long hip hop class, but we only did three eight-counts. Not like I was running for hours on a treadmill until I barfed or anything.

Ok, so I have some body images issues. I'm 20 and female. What 20-year-old girl doesn't? Honestly. So I want to be thin and beautiful. Something I've supposedly always been. I don't want to be 110 pounds or anything crazy.

Ok, that's a lie, I do. BUT, I also would rather be about 5'4", and at that height, 110 would give me about the same height to weight ratio that I have now. I'm not trying to be 110 and 5'7". But I can't lose height, so I'll settle for being something under 130. That's not so tragically thin, not considering I'm a 32A. Not much weight to bear up there.

My BMI is 20... just the light end of "normal." No calculation I've ever seen has said that I'm underweight. Maybe a little below average, but not unhealthily so.

THEREFORE, I am not anorexic. No two ways about it. Plus, some psych test I found online had this to say after I took it:

"Your eating attitudes are moderately unhealthy (in psychological terms, not necessarily nutritional). Somewhere along the line your body image has gone awry. Unfortunately, the ever-present media does not reflect reality in its depiction of the perfect body. It is of utmost importance to recognize this disparity and to learn to be critical of the images thrown at us by the media. The perfect body is a healthy body. Your perspective seems to have been affected by society's unfair messages that food is bad, eating is evil, and calories are the work of the devil. Take time to re-evaluate these internalizations and begin the essential journey to acceptance of your body as it is. Eat well, exercise, and stay healthy!"

Translation: I could use a shrink, but I'm not gonna drop to the ground from malnutrition any time soon.

Get real.

If I was so unhealthy, I'm pretty sure those cheer clinics would have knocked me on my ass, and I would have come home with an IV in my arm. Yeah, they made me sweat like a pig and breathe pretty damn hard, but it's called a workout. And I'm not in great cardio shape, thank you leaky heart valve.

Still alive. Still breathing on my own. Still standing. Not fainting.


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