Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A nice example

...and a VERY pretty face. When signing out of MySpace, I came across this picture of a Maybelline model, and before I even looked to see what it was about, all I could think was WOW, she is beautiful. I saved the picture and edited out the advertisement portion... hahaha, I hope that's legal. Without further ado...

Gorgeous. At least I think so. You may be wondering, so what? Here's what... I was just having these conversations about how tan=healthy=beautiful in our culture, and that, because I'm naturally very pale, I look "sick" all the time... which I think is ridiculous. So I burn in the sun. I have an awesomely efficient immune system, I'm reasonably strong, and in pretty good shape. I am not sickly! I'm just Irish! But anyway, that was the second thing that struck me about this model. She's also very pale, probably about as pale as me. Granted her skin is much clearer than mine - and possibly photoshopped - but I don't think she looks sick at all. She looks glowing and healthy and beautiful. By comparison, here's a picture of yours truly, albeit with makeup, but still about my natural skin tone:

I don't look like I'm on the verge of death or anything, now do I?

It IS possible to be pale and pretty and not look like you're dying, I swear!


Anonymous said...

Pale and pretty is stunning! It exists, idealized in the Snow White story, people like Deeta Von Teese doing the retro-glamour look, anyone of celtic background - oh, and of course the gothic-esque beauties, including Shirley Manson of Garbage and your own fav. female lead singer, who manage to be beautifully pale without looking like death - Gwen Stefani works the pale glamour, without being death-like. Parasols were invented to protect pale skin from the horrors of the sun ;) It is indeed delicate and expressive, our pale epidermis, but to be appreciated for its unique beauty!

Lizzie Sharp said...

I noticed you put "...and possibly photoshopped..." and remembered something.

You may have read this before, but it seems like something you might find interesting -

Nice photo :)