Thursday, February 14, 2008

Barefoot in February

I've discovered that the best way to get through Valentine's day is to pretend like I like it. It worked well enough last year, so I thought I'd give it another shot today. It's led to some amusing consequences, though!

First, I painted my nails pink over top of the green-tipped French-ish manicure I did a week ago that is now chipped, so my nails looked okay from a (very long) distance, but redonkulous and fragmented up close. Hah!

Also, last night, I tried to fix this pair of pink platform sandals that I got from a thrift store a couple years ago. The shoes are perfectly good except for this one little detail: the part of the sandal where your foot goes, on the left shoe, keeps ripping off of the sole, thus leaving the giant two-and-a-half inch platform dangling, which is mighty hard to walk in. So I glued the shoe back together, for probably the third time, using superglue. All was well until about a third of the way to school, when the shoe ripped apart again. Oh well, I thought I could handle walking the rest of the way with one normal shoe and one flip-floppy shoe.

But oh no. A little further, it came almost completely apart, leaving the sole hanging on to the footbed by a hair thread, VERY hard to walk in! I was shuffling my left foot on the ground like a retard, and occasionally the shoe would get all skewed, I would trip, and I'd have to re-align the parts again. Finally I got to a bus shelter, where I took the liberty of sitting on the bench, and decided that, since I didn't have time (or patience!) to walk all the way back home and get another pair of shoes, and walking like that was getting totally ridiculous (not to mention painfully slow!) I decided that, despite it being about 40 degrees, my best bet was to just take them off, carry them, and walk the rest of the way barefoot.

So I did. I've gotta say, I looked pretty cool walking to school, barefoot in February, all decked out for Valentine's Day with a pair of broken pink shoes dangling from my icicle-like fingers. Awesome. I went to my Environmental Science class thinking, this school is hippy-infested enough that I could totally get away with this... in the spring. Oh well, nothing else for it. I totally wanted to just swagger in and be like, "What up, I'm barefoot! Wanna fight about it?" I didn't do that, but I did take notes. Hahaha. And then, we watched this video about how Big Oil and the Federal Government etc. killed the electric car. Ohhhh so much corruption. Anyway, it inspired to write a little short story, which I'm going to post right after this.

And then, I walked back home barefoot. Hell yeah I'm cool. Or cold, if you want to get technical.

EDIT: My V-Day adventures continue! Laura and I made an expedition to the student bookstore because I wanted a new water bottle, and while I did wear different shoes, we got aroused... err... distracted, by an ultra-sexy Ducati (have you ever heard the engines on those things?) and in our staring at the sexy motorcycle, I almost ran into a pole. And Laura almost toppled into me as I was almost toppling in the pole, due to the Ducati ooglage. It was fantastic.

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